Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Re-forging MBTBK while Life Marches Toward Anarchy

Okay, maybe "anarchy" is too liberal a use of hyperbole, yet life here is getting a bit more chaotic. The work load has increased a bit, but it's nowhere near "anarchy". More like "mild lawlessness." Think old serial bad guys (complete with goofy mustaches and mostly harmless evil plans) and you've about got it.

As far as Man Born to Be King goes, I'm both surprised and pleased and scared that the play did not get canceled. Due to scheduling conflicts with the musical *shakes fist*, we lost some of our best actors, including Jesus, and have been left with two weeks to put together the show from scratch. I'm told (and I believe) that this is the first time Covenant has ever had such trouble with a play. Instead of canceling the show, however, we've decided to change it entirely. Now we're doing the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus, with Jacob Corbett taking over the role of Jesus, and myself changing from Herod and Judas to the apostle John (not a villain! yay!).

Thus we set out on an intrepid quest to do something even crazier (and yet somehow just as cool) than putting on Caucasian Chalk Circle with less than a month's preparation.

Speaking of, we had both the cast party and the critique session this past week for CCC. Both went extraordinarily well. The cast party was probably the most fun I've had in a long time, and I laughed so hard my sides still hurt. The critique was also funny, for different reasons (Peter Slavovsky, Prof. Slav's 8-month old, kept "upstaging" Prof. Hallstrom, who was giving the critique. Made all the worse by the fact that Prof. Hallstrom's cries of "stop upstaging me Peter!" were all recorded by her tape machine.) Overall we got good comments, I have a few things to remember and work on (no, Mom, speed wasn't even mentioned. :) ) I also was paid one of the most meaningful compliments in my life when the notoriously hard-to-please Prof. Hallstrom told me that I was not allowed to graduate but would instead spend the rest of my life acting in her plays. A kind, if TOTALLY nicer response than I deserved. I know my acting skills, and they are not that good. If I get into Lucifer for next semester, I'm sure I'll get more of the flaying and constructive criticism I was expecting going into that critique.

Beyond that, life goes on. My room continues to be filthy, despite repeated attempts to get Brandon to clean up. In addition Brandon has now taken to sleeping through most of the day. Gotta' love him, but still, it's a little excessive. I got to Wal-Mart on sunday, where I purchased two boxes of Honey Bunches of Oats, despite the fact I have no milk. Still, I'm glad to be able to eat on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I have 8 am classes. I can now use verbs in Arabic, so I can say things like "I live in America.", "I work in the United Nations" (actual vocab sentence), and "My mother is Palestinian." Apparently, though ,the Bahraini (I think that's how you spell it) work-study assistant is doubtful that the girl who talks to us on the DVD is actually Arab, because she looks too pretty. (his words, not mine.) :)

So that's it for this episode of my life. Tune in next time so the studio execs don't cancel it! Das Vedanya!

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