Monday, October 12, 2009

Full Circle

Chalk Circle has officially closed. We had an amazing last weekend, with both shows going very well and lots of people attending on Saturday. I'm both glad that we're done, and sad that there will be no more rehearsals or performances with the group from Chalk Circle. On a side note, as soon as production photos were over, Mitch shaved off his beard. I still have problems recognizing him from a distance. Never have I ever seen such a marked contrast in appearance between a guy simply because of facial hair.

Though Chalk Circle is over, my thirst for thespianism has not abated. Tonight we have the first read-through for The Man Born to be King a play about the birth, baptism, and last supper of Jesus Christ. Peter Upton, a fellow Brethrenite, is playing Jesus, while I adopt the roles of Herod and Judas Iscariot (I think I'm getting typecast). All kidding aside, I'm extremely grateful to be allowed another opportunity to participate in theater, and another excuse to hang out with the drama crowd. (we had a two-hour lunch Sunday afternoon which played host to one of the most amusing conversations I have ever been a part of.)

Fall Break is fast approaching, which means that classes are either ramping up or calming down around campus. Everyone's rushing about due to midterms, which I have none of. This affords me the opportunity of standing back and watch everyone else run around like chickens recently parted with their cabezas while I observe the mayhem. My flight arrives in D.C. somewhere about dinnertime, so I'm looking forward to seeing everybody back home.

On another note: Brethren is dying. This week we've had three people sent to quarantine, and I have a feeling more will go. Part of it may be the nurses paranoia, but nonetheless I'm glad Fall Break gives us an excuse to evacuate until the germs die.

Yesterday Mike, Jesse, and I headed into Chattanooga to study off campus. We went to Rembrandt's, a little coffee shop in the arts district which has awesome biscotti and turtle mochas. After a couple hours studying Old Testament history, we headed off to Mellow Mushroom for pizza. All and all, quite an evening. We also learned yesterday that the solution to the messy counter space area (those people who cook or drink tea often leave dishes in our sink, we are male after all) is simply to wait until Caledon's sink malfunctions (or "malfunction" it ourselves) thus prompting those girls who like/have to wash dishes to come wash them in our sink. Inevitably, the female instinct to clean will take over, and our dishes will get washed. (Thank you, Caroline). Anyway, I don't own a cup, so it's really only an issue for me because the sink smells.

Class was canceled this morning because my professor is ill. I feel both happy and guilty because I am happy. On the one hand, I get to eat breakfast today. On the other, I get to eat breakfast because someone is too ill to come up the mountain. Oh well. In any case I got to eat breakfast this morning.

That's all for now, adios!

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