Thursday, October 8, 2009

28 Weeks Later... Sort of...

Well, this week's the week to get sick, I guess. I caught a cold (though I'm mostly over it) half of the cast of Chalk Circle had to miss rehearsal due to illness, and my roommate was quarantined for a day, due to intense anger, hair loss, foaming at the mouth, pupils dilating, iris's turning red, and suddenly developing an intense hunger for the flesh and brains of his roommates. Not really, he just had a cold and they were afraid it was the flu. But still, little overreaction there.

Classes are starting to get a little tougher as tests and such begin. For the most part things are fine. I like my accounting class, but Old Testament is proving really killer. It will require a new level of thoroughness which no one who knows me would ever believe me capable of. They say college stretches you. I hope I have flexible brain cells.

In a better note: Chalk Circle opened last Thursday! We had an awesome three shows, and we have two more this weekend. I was really pleased with how well everyone performed, and I was surprised that nothing major went wrong at all. I liked being in Chalk Circle so much that I auditioned for the next play The Man Born to Be King, which is a radio drama about Jesus which we are doing in a set that looks like a radio station. I get to be King Herod! I guess villains are just my thing. I exude infamy. Anyway, I'm really grateful to the director for letting me do this one, and I'm really glad for another excuse to hang out with the theater gang. Over fall break I'm totally going to put the King Herod song from our Child of the Promise soundtrack on my iPod. Psych-up for a psycho, anyone?

I'm finding it very hard to get off of the mountain to get a haircut, so I just decided to wait till fall break. "Mountain Man" chic is apparently cool here, so I get the plus points of appearing like I have some idea of what my hair looks like. (or not) It's not too long, I'm discovering that once it hits a certain point, my hair kind of stops growing. It's trained too well. I'm hoping to teach it to roll over and play dead before Christmas.

I'm discovering that Third Lobby, the main lobby of Founders Hall, is an awesome place to study if you are bored. I say this because usually rather than getting any studying done, you'll get involved in a conversation with someone. The books just make it so that you don't have to awkwardly explain why you're sitting in the lobby by yourself. If I really want to study, the library's a great choice, but nothing beats my room. I'm the only one ever there during the day, or if my roommates are there they're usually pretty quiet. We can hear the freshman girls upstairs sometimes though, when they're having one of those loud giggle-fests girls sometimes have. Either that or they're arguing. I can never tell the difference between mirth, fake anger, real anger, and fake mirth when it comes to girls.

Anyway, I'm out of stories and updates, (I never really seem to have any world-shattering news, do I? By the way I'm having a tattoo of a walrus emblazoned on my thigh.) So I'll talk to you all later, either in person on campus or back home over fall break. Saiyonara!

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