Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Homeward Bound

Well, I'm home again after the completion of finals, may they rest uneasily and have a terrible afterlife. Anyway, they didn't go as bad as that makes them sound, things were actually okay. After finals ended I said my goodbyes to everyone on the hall, specifically those who aren't coming back, like Robbie or Will. Friday my mom came to pick me up, and we got the chance to go to dinner and catch up. It was good to get to talk to her. Saturday we went to graduation, said goodbye to a lot of graduating seniors, and hit the road home. Well, hit the road home after the obligatory haircut, which mom photographed and then e-mailed to several people. Grr.....

The drive home took about 11 hours total, but it was made less boring by the fact that Mom and I had a lot of things to talk about, since I'd missed a lot of things back home during the year I was gone. We chatted and caught up, and then listened to a couple of books on tape. Finally, we got home Sunday afternoon, and found that Dad and Em had prepared a fantastic dinner, with more of Dad's bread (he still makes a ton of that apparently.) Em also told me that last week, during the final cooking class, she fell off the pier, which I found amusing.

Monday I started in earnest to try to land a job. I had an interview at the Lego store, and I'm still waiting on them to tell me whether they want to hire me, they said they'd call me this week. I'm also waiting for a call from Red Robin, to set up an interview. They also promised to call this week. Calling other places hasn't produced any results. Hopefully one of the two places which expressed interest still wants to hire me.

That brings me up to this morning. Umm... I took a shower and walked the dog....my laundry's done...Oh! and I wrote this blog entry. It's been an exciting morning. Ok then, until next week (I promise) I'll see you later.

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