Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Radioactive Apples on the Beach

As of now I'm still job hunting, though that may change in the next twenty minutes. My friend Adam's working for a contractor, and he said he'd talk to his boss, who's looking for more help. Otherwise I'm still unemployed.

Since I last blogged....not much has happened. I've been applying/nagging just about everyone I can find to get a job. In addition, I've been chilling out with my sister quite a bit. Next week my family's heading off to Topsail Island, NC (you're not allowed to say "top SAIL" its pronounced "topsal".) to chill at the beach for a while. Topsail is home to both the largest deposit of shark's teeth in the general East Coast region as well as the best frappuchinos in the world. We'll be there till next Saturday, so it should be a good vacation.

Actually, I was writing this post Adam called, and while his boss might hire me, he's not sure if he's going to hire anyone at this point. So, I'm still looking for a job. Phooey.

I've been a bit ADD this go round, sorry. Earlier this week I actually cooked something. Hmm... I don't actually know what it was called, but it involved apples. I don't think it tasted bad... and nothing exploded, or mutated... there was a bit of geiger-counter wackiness, but what's a bit of gamma radiation, eh?

Anyway, until something interesting happens, I'll be available by skype: my skype name's "davidjpick" (and that's actually right for all the people whom I told differently). Adios, goodbye, and make sure to keep in touch.

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