Friday, April 9, 2010

"You look like a...Patella?"

Well, I was accosted today about my failure to update my blog (and by accosted I mean that I am writing this blog post with a knife at my throat.) Anyway...

The last time I think I left off right before Easter break, which means that's probably where I should start... but I'm not going to. I'm going to back up and tell you about something that happened just before we left.

Friday was technically the first day of Easter break, which meant that there was no Great Hall for me to go and get food at. Thus, I woke up, learned this, and resigned myself to a diet of Jolly Ranchers, water, and Icebreakers. That is, I was resigned until Katie Jenkins saved my by having my come down to her apartment, where she provided me with pizza, fruit salad, and someone to talk to. I am extremely thankful and so are the roommates I was planning on eating before long.

This year Mitch invited me to join the group heading to his house for Easter break (he also managed to get me to agree to marry one of his sisters before I realized what I was saying. Nothing wrong with either of them, I just hadn't met them at the time.) So, come Friday afternoon we loaded up Jon Davis' car and drove down to Katelyn's apartment to pick her up. By the end of the five minute drive, I was sufficiently (and justifiably) terrified J.D.'s driving to switch over to ride in the car with Katelyn and Mitch's friend Michelle. This wasn't much better. Finally, I car hopped again to Angela's car at the florists shop she works at and found that thankfully Alan Cheney can drive smoothly.

The car ride was pretty uneventful, except for the time we formed into a V formation on the highway and the last hour of the ride when Alan got a nosebleed and drove the rest of the ride one handed... in a stick-shift. After we got to Mitch's we met his mom (who is awesome!) and debated taking out the Golf Cart for a spin. We didn't all fit, so Mitch introduced J.D. and I to Prince of Persia until the girls got back. After dinner, we played a late night game of Pictionary, which was hilarious because J.D. was mildly buzzed and had trouble drawing the things on the cards. In addition, even though we won, Angela and I had a roller coaster ride getting to the end of the board since she's a graduated art major and I can't draw a straight line.

Saturday Alysha and Liz came and hung out with us for the day. We spent a bunch of time at a strip mall looking into various stores and letting the girls try on dresses. While in Books-a-Million, we found a rather amusing book: the Serenity Roleplaying Game. Anybody who knows Serenity or Firefly will understand that reading through this provided us with a good couple of laughs. Since everyone in our group had been "dubbed" a certain member of the cast we each got pictures holding the book open to our character's entry. I'm still trying to get them off my phone, so look on FB for them once in a while, they might show up. For those of you who don't know Firefly... shame on you.

Sunday we went to Mitch's church and everyone but Alan and I sang in the choir. Sunday afternoon I actually met Mitch's sisters who I supposed to marry (a fact Mitchell made sure to remind me of before they got there) and we had a hamburger cookout provided by Mr. Mitchell. Oh, and in case this is confusing anyone, Mitch's last name is Mitchell, he doesn't go by his first name. So when I say Mr. Mitchell, I mean his dad. Anyway, we had a great time and by the time we got back to school we were all sufficiently rested and ready to start again (at least, as ready as one can be...)

Since Niada opened last night I should mention tech week. By now, if you've been reading this blog for a while you'll know what tech week is, but just in case, tech week's when everything comes together for a play and we start running the full show with lights, costumes, sounds, and scene changes thrown together just like they'll be when we're doing the show for an audience.

So, opening night was last night, and things went really well! Everything came together, we had a pretty good crowd for a Thursday, and we got some unexpected publicity from the Student Development Office. About two hours before the show, they sent out an e-mail which proves that they don't always read things before they send them out. Mitchell had sent in an e-mail to them asking that they send an e-mail out advertising the show, and he provided an example ad to get them started. Rather than read it, they simply e-mailed out his example. I've pasted it below, and keep in mind that this is being sent out by an official school department which usually writes things that sound like this: "The music department will give a free concert tomorrow evening – Friday, April 9, 8 PM – Manhattan Piano Trio – to students with their ID card. This is to replace the concert in January that was cancelled. This is the final Covenant Arts concert for this year."

Instead we received this:

Come see "Niada" - a play written, directed and produced by one of our finest.
This play - based on a fairy-tail classic - features a mermaid more beautiful than a moon-rise, a witch more graceful than melted butter on a bald monkey, two men so manly they make Xena-Warrior Princess look like a woman, a small army of magical sea-creatures with strange fascination with shiny objects, and a masquerade more sophisticated and enjoyable than a box of Godiva Chocolates!
It happens tonight (4/8), Saturday(4/10), and all next weekend (4/16-18)! Don't miss it! Buy tickets in the great-hall at lunch!"

And with that: I've screwed up the formatting and can't get it to return to normal. Thus the rest of this blog will be typed out in "Font" font. Fortunately nothing else has really happened since last night, so I really don't have anything else to blog about. Except that I stole Jordan's jacket a lunch during a friendly dispute over a chair and forgot that I was wearing it until I had walked all the way back to Founders. I gave it to her roommate, so hopefully she won't have too much trouble getting it back. With that, I'd like to turn my blog over for a moment and remember someone near and dear to all of us: Alysha McCullough's Patella.

Alysha's Patella has been a great friend and a hard worker for many years, but has struggled with identity issues and feeling out of place. Last Sunday, the pressure became too much, and he snapped. Believing himself to be a part of the Fibula, he lunged sideways, out of his usual position between the Femur and the Tibia, and around to the side of the knee. After much icing and anti-inflammatory, it's still touch and go. Adding strain to the problem is that Alysha has revealed a hidden passive-aggression for her poor Patella, taking every opportunity to stand on it and walk around, causing him great stress in his hour of need. Please pray for Pat... and that Alysha will come to forgive him, and me for writing this paragraph.

Until next time. :)

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