Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"I think you are confused...there's no one there."

It hasn't been a week, but I wanted to blog about the brush up rehearsal we had tonight while it was still fresh. For anyone unfamiliar with the way theater works at Covenant, we usually have one rehearsal, very informal, right before the second weekend starts, just to get everyone back into the show and make sure they remember their lines. Since Niada was in pretty good shape last weekend, the pressure was off and we could have some fun with it, especially because Alysha was a good sport about all the joking.

I've tried to put together a full, chronological list of the pranks we pulled, but I'm sure I've missed some, so I apologize in advance.

1. Wes Simmonds

2. In the first scene the "drowning" scene was exaggerated to comic heights.

3. Apparently the only really preplanned prank. As I walked onto the stage for my first scene, I heard a lot of screaming coming from the audience. Since I was in the scene, it didn't really register to me what they were screaming, or that they were coming on stage until Liz Simpson tackled me and Ann Jones and Jordan joined her in grabbing me and screaming. This was supposed to be the "screaming fangirls" that Alysha has joked would jump me ever since I started playing Kade.

4. Jacob Corbett pretended to be talking on a cell phone while setting up the scene in Istre's cavern.

5. Wes Simmonds got slapped.

6. The transformation of Merin from mermaid to human was apparently pretty funny, but I didn't see it since I was backstage.

7. Kade told Dorian to "king me" instead of "checkmate" during the chess scene.

8. Wes Simmonds some more. :)

9. Since Chris Hartwell wasn't there, instead of saying "I think you are confused, this is Aislyn" Kade said "I think you are confused, there's no one there."

10. The Sea King, when told what it will cost to save Merin's life, fell to his knees and screamed "NOOOOOOO!!" then after saving her muttered "she was right about you..." before leaving.

11. Kade carried Merin offstage instead of walking off with her.

Anyway, I'm positive I've forgotten a ton of them, and I know that we tried to get "Under the Sea" to play during Curtain call, but tech difficulties prevented it. We had a blast, and I can honestly say it was the most fun I've had at a brush up at Covenant.

After brush up we went to see the Senior Art Gallery in the Library, which was really amazing and I was thoroughly impressed. Among the pieces was a sculpture representing two ways people respond to God's calling and gifts, a set of hand-thrown pottery, several sculpted hands, a set of really cool paintings, a photo-stitched thing I wasn't sure what to call but it was cool, and a neat dresser/book/bunch of other cool stuff. There were a lot of people there, so I didn't get as good a look as I would have liked at some of the pieces, but it was still awesome. Afterward Liz, Audrey Brown, Jared Menard and I headed to the Blink and hung out for a while.

Well, only 2 1/2 more weeks left 'till finals. I'm really ready to be done with all of the classes (though I could hang out with my friends a good while longer). Just gotta push through!

I'm done.


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