Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Like living after Noah's flood with better food.

Well, I'm back in Maryland for a Spring Break! The massive snowstorm in January still hasn't completely melted, meaning that the ground is incredibly wet and spongy. Small piles of snow dot the landscape, and our dog must keep constantly moving to prevent from sinking into the ground and being swallowed up. Getting to hang out with family and friends back home has been a refreshing break from life a school. I was definitely ready for the break, and fortunately I was able to get to the airport earlier than I expected, thanks to Jeremy Mosely offering to give me a ride at 1:30, which judging by the time it took to get to the airport, was exactly when I had to leave to make my flight.

Before I left school, the Trifectas (Me, Ann Jones, Jordan Linkston, Katie Jenkins, Justin Johns, and Alysha McCullough) went to Yellow Deli for a "Trifecta Date" and had one of the most amusing evenings, which spawned about a million inside jokes. I also learned the meaning behind the necklace Jordan always wears, the plot (basically) of the play Katie wrote for next year, and that Alysha's glasses give me a headache.

After getting to the airport later the next day, I was again subjected to Dr. Oz because my flight still didn't leave for an hour. After failing to ignore the show for forty-five minutes, I managed to learn that diet pills are bad, not being able to breath at night can threaten your health, and that Dr. Oz has absolutely no reason to be wearing surgical scrubs on every episode.

I got home about dinnertime, and was welcomed back with an awesome homemade meal and a huge loaf of bread. Apparently since I left, Dad's hobbies have expanded into making massive amounts of bread in various varieties. His favorite is sourdough, and he has a thing in the basement fridge that he uses to make sourdough bread sour. It's basically a lump of yeasty dough from what I understand. Emily calls it Stanley. After dinner, Em and I played "Beatles Rock Band" (which I didn't know existed) and I learned that everything they produced after '67 makes no sense at all.

Josh Bernitt came over Saturday and we caught up for a while. He's headed to UMBC (University of Maryland Baltimore County) next year, and he's going to be studying Physics. (May God have mercy on his soul.) Cooking class was on last night, and I was tasked with making dessert for the students (my sister must hate them all). It started as a cake, became a fiasco, and ended up mixed into ice cream to disguise my mistake(s).

Anyway, since Alysha wants Niada off-book when we get back from break: I've been practicing in the basement apartment. Since during the times I was practicing my family were all out of the house, I had to use stand in's for the characters. I've cast the drum set from Rock Band as Dorian, an armchair as Princess Aislyn, and an oriental lamp as Merin the mermaid. I'm glad no one was home to see my trying to give CPR to a lamp.

That's about it for now, I think. Oh, and when thinking things over on the airplane, I realized that in starting this blog, I made no arrangements for the continuation or cancellation of it in the event of my death. Rest assured that if I die an at an inconvenient time I will do my best to find a computer and update. If heaven hasn't got wifi. I'll haunt one of you and ask you to deactivate my account. (Alternatively, you could make up fictitious adventures for me, but if you make my afterlife too confusing, I'll have to ask you to stop.) :)

Anyway, with that bit of long-neglected housekeeping out of the way, I'll wrap this up. (also, if anyone has any ideas for a new wrap-up gimmick to replace my usual and exhausted habit of saying good-bye in foreign languages, let me know.)

Until you do.... gis la revido!

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