Saturday, March 20, 2010

I'll Bet Tiger Woods Never Tried This

Well, this week has been quite interesting to say the least. Just a taste of the lunacy that this week contained: If you had happened to walk onto Brethren last night, you would have found twelve shirtless men standing around a cardboard box with two holes in it set in front of a ramp made of cardboard leading to a mug turned on its side near the wall playing putt putt golf. More on that later though.

Getting back to school after fall break was less of an adjustment than I thought it would be, though for some reason Brethren was totally empty Sunday night, and after trekking all around campus looking for our hallmates, Dan Rienstra and I ended up touring other halls looking for people we knew. We started on Carter, (which, incidentally meant that I actually saw what a Carter hall looked like for the first time) and then moved to Mac. We never did find anyone from our hall, but we still had fun exploring.

Niada rehearsals have started in earnest, which have been a great deal of fun. I'm convinced that Katie Jenkins is having entirely too much fun playing the Sea Witch, however, and her glee at the prospect of having sea monster pets is both amusing and mildly frightening. Additionally, working with Beth Mixon and John Hollback has been pretty entertaining. The three of us have quite a few scenes together, and the interactions Alysha's put into the script are hilarious. I also learned that I get to slap Dorian upside the head in scene one while calling him an idiot. :D

Early in the week, we were given the opportunity to host two members of African Bible College-Malawi's band Mingoli which means "beautiful sound". I got to talk with Yunjin (I have no earthly idea if I've spelled that even remotely correctly.) and Ronald (RON-ald) for a while, which was really cool. Brandon even traded two American-style shirts for one really cool African shirt with Ronald. I'm slightly jealous. In addition to Mingoli, Covenant also received a visit yesterday from Marvin Olasky, editor-in-chief of World Magazine, who spoke in Chapel about the concept of social justice. Very interesting.

Last night I finally got to see West Side Story, the musical production which has been preparing to perform since September. It was a pretty spectacular show, and I could definitely tell all the work that had been put into it. Justin Johns as Tony was awesome, and the music was extremely well done. Also, I bumped into Marianne Sterne and her roommate (my friend who attends Bryan College), and until I realized that I was in Q104, not S104, I thought that I'd been sat right next to them. Instead, I got to sit next to my good friend the Pillar in the back right of the Chapel.

After West Side, I returned to Brethren to find a very large crowd of people in the commons either watching or attempting to putt a golf ball from one end of the commons into a mug at the opposite end. We added a twist by forcing putters to bank their putts off of a box of instant rice and then into the mug (I made it on the first try!) After open dorms ended and all the girls left, we started adding difficulty to the shots by putting a ramp in front of the mug, and then adding a "barn" which was a cardboard box with two holes cut in it in front of the ramp. Tim Van Vliet made it through the box on his first try, which was deemed to be worthy of forcing everyone else to remove their shirts.

That brings us up to this morning. Somehow I actually felt like getting up at 8:00, eating breakfast, and then realizing that I was one of three people on campus who were awake. It felt like being in I Am Legend. I even saw a dog on my way back from breakfast. It's about ten thirty, now, which means that I've seen some movement around campus, but still nothing that looks like signs of life. Since I'm out of things to talk about, I must wrap up. (Wait, I have nothing to say? The world has ended. :) ) Anyway, adios amigos!

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