Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Post I Forgot to Name Until I Re-read it After Publishing

So... I learned recently of a cool-weird trend. (cool-weird meaning both cool, and slightly disturbing, like men who bend railroad spikes with their teeth.) Apparently people have been googling their names, and discovering my blog. This is cool, because it means that people are reading my blog, and that "tinkles well in my ego's ear" (to paraphrase Vondel badly). It's weird, since occasionally, people will mention that I've mentioned them, and I'll forget what it was that I wrote about them, and that's just awkward.

Anyway, all that aside, this has been a crazy week. Lucifer opened on Friday, which meant that this week was mostly spend in Sanderson, working like mad to get this thing ready for the stage. I'm pleased to say it went well, and the two performances this week went really well (aside from me and J.D. spinning Lucifer's chariot around both times we tried to get it on/off stage. It's not a Disney teacup, but it's darn hard to move.) We have two more performances next week, but only one rehearsal, so life should regain some normalcy (fingers crossed.)

Most of my week was spent in classes or in rehearsal, but I did have time for a couple of awesome things. First up, my family came down from Maryland to visit! It was awesome to see them, and we got to catch up. I introduced them to some of my friends, and they got to see Lucifer last night, which was cool. We went to church/lunch today before they had to go to the airport, but we still had a great time. Saturday we made an attempt to visit the Tennessee aquarium, but due to a bout with food poisoning, I couldn't get all they way through. It stunk, but I got to hang out today with them, which was a lot of fun. My dad, who goes by "COG" (crotchety old guy) apparently is getting coggier, having bought a pair of suspenders. My mom is trying to get an NCFCA tournament hosted at Covenant next year, while my sister is learning how to portray portly British men and wear a tie.

Now that I've got time to breathe, sleep, and otherwise act normal, I hope to get my room clean (as far as I can), and learn to play the guitar my sister gave me. Here's hoping that I at least manage to get the floor visible again. hehe. With two weeks left till spring break, I'm holding my breath for one last plunge. On another note, my sister showed my an awesome iPod app, the Awesome button. Basically, it's a button that says "Awesome" whenever you press it. It's from a great video from Rooster Teeth studios about a narcissistic superhero, with no real talent. It's really funny, and I highly recommend it. You can find it here:

Well, that's the news for this week. I'm aiming to update at least weekly, so that I don't fall behind, and so that I have enough to write about each week before I blog. Let me leave you with a taste of backstage life, by writing here, for the first time, some of the things written on the back of the whiteboard informing everyone not to come backstage. The side, that 'till now, only actors and crew have seen. Enjoy!

"Ben, you'd make a beautiful woman"- J.D.

"Winter turned my robe into a bikini" -David P.

"Oh...brothers....why? This is not meet? Why such sadness? ... I wonder what Apollion would think? I'm sure he would be vexed?"- Liz Brink, ad-libbing after someone missed cue line.

"Satan reads Twilight!" - Unknown

"Speaking of food, where's Alan?" - Angela Beall
"Isn't he a little small to eat?" -David P.

"They have SHARP cheese!" -Evelyn P.

Till next time, adios!

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