Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lars and the Real iGallop

So tonight we had an impromptu "Mommy Movie Night", at Prof. Hallstrom's house, named thusly due to Prof. Hallstrom's nickname: "Mommy Dearest". A bunch of us headed down the mountain to watch "Lars and the Real Girl", a movie about a man who falls in love with a mannequin. We had a great time, and a torch was passed on... sort of.

"Lars and the Real Girl" tells the story of a man named Lars, who is emotionally damaged after his mother dies giving birth to him, leaving him alone with his brother and severely depressed father. His brother leaves as soon as possible, and Lars is left with deep scars. Later in life, he lives in the garage/apartment of his brother's house, while his sister-in-law frets that something is wrong because Lars spends all his time by himself. Eventually Lars receives a huge package, and introduces his family to his new girlfriend: Bianca, a Brazilian/Danish woman raised by nuns and confined to a wheelchair. Bianca also happens to be a mannequin, though Lars speaks and responds to her as though she were real. The rest of the movie follows Lars' relationship with Bianca while the people of the town he lives in "play along" because the local doctor says that's the best thing that they can do. Bianca becomes part of the town ("volunteering at the hospital, and even joining the school board.") while Lars talks through his problems with the doctor as though they were Bianca's. I don't want to spoil it, but suffice to say that it's an excellent movie, and very thought provoking.

After the movie was over, we got to talking and "mommy" pulled out something she said was going on craigslist soon. An iGallop. Basically, it's a chair that imitates the motion of a horse, supposedly to work out your abs, though I think it was invented for the amusement of physical therapists. We had fun laughing at people riding it, and we even forced Jordan to sit on it (though not before she curled up in fetal position in protest.)

Speaking of Jordan, I learned recently that the Trifecta (Alysha McCullough, Katie Jenkins, and Justin Johns) has elected Ann Jones, Me, and Jordan Linkston as the next Trifecta. Basically, that means that we three are expected to do...something. Not really sure what, I guess have comedic chemistry or something. We apparently are rather amusing to watch interact (i.e., dragging Jordan onto a galloping chair while she "cries" and goes into fetal position at my feet.) I guess the combination of hilariously insane, faultlessly innocent (seemingly), and then whatever it is that I am is funny. Eh, works for me.

Also, we proved that Zach McElrath is not a cat, once and for all, since he can open catproof doors.(Although, it does take him a while.)

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