Sunday, November 29, 2009

International Coke and Going to Kroger to Count Men

Whew! I'm stuffed! Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, and flavors of soda previously unknown to man (some of them should still be unknown, I'm convinced) have me feeling a bit full, even now. For Thanksgiving I headed off to the Martins' house in Woodstock, GA. We had a great time playing Mario Party 2 on Wednesday and prepping food for the 19-person foodfest on Thursday. t I have to say that, although I will likely die within several days from all of the butter in them, Mrs. Martin's Heart-Attack Mashed Potatoes were amazing. Laura Martin commented that, due to the abnormal ratio of men-to-women in grocery stores on Thanksgiving thanks to the women all being in the kitchen, she wanted to "Go to Kroger and Count Men!" I meanwhile, trying to settle an argument about whether or not a neighbor had their Christmas decorations up, pointed out that the large fir in thier living room was not a Christmas tree but was in fact a Chaunaka Bush.

Friday we got to watch UP! on the new LCD TV which the Martin's braved Best Buy at Zero Dark Thirty to buy Thursday night. Very cool, and made even cooler by the fact that I they hadn't seen it before. Saturday we headed to Atlanta proper to do some touristy things. We took along their friend Mallory Smith, whom through a strange series of e-mails (made by mischievous Laura Martin) I was apparently engaged to before I even met. Marital arrangements aside, we had a great time exploring the CNN studio in Atlanta, where I learned that Anderson Cooper thinks he's an action hero, based on the number of pictures of him trying to look like a soldier or else making the "Terminator" face. Also, I think he owns the building, since every other picture in the building was of him. They even had his flak vest and helmet on display like some relic of Stonewall Jackson.

After Mr. Cooper's Amazing Building, we went to visit the World of Coke, a very crisp and refreshing (ha...ha...ha.. I'm hilarious tonight, right?) exhibit of the history and cultural impact of Coca-Cola. All and all, an awesome exhibit, where we saw some awesome historical pieces (like a vending machine from 60's Germany that proclaims "Trink Coke". Or a commemorative sign which read "Coca-Cola- Refreshing Pakistan for 50 years!") We saw one of those 4-D movies that spray you with water and poke you in the back whenever possible. While funny, I got the sense that their "Secret Formula" was made up by the same people who write corporate goals. You know the type, "This company aspires to be the leader in it's field through the use of SUPER" where SUPER is undoubtedly a dorky acronym that no one ever pays attention to. Anyway, the recipie to make Coca-Cola is apparently "Unchanging Deliciousness, Universal Availability, and U." I love the taste of Universal Availability! :)

After seeing the display proper, we stopped by the "Taste Station" where Coke products from all over the world were available to try. Among my favorites were the holiday themed "Gingerbread Coke", the Peruvian "Manzana LIFT!" and the Mozambiquian (I think that's how you spell it) Ginger Ale "KREST". I most definitely did not like the Paraguayan "Inca Kola" nor did I like the Italian "Beverley" soda. At the end of the tour, Coke was kind enough to give us our very own glass bottle of Coca-Cola. Very cool, though I just realized a few minutes ago that it isn't a twist-open bottle cap, and thus I can't get it open to drink it. >:( I also purchased a jacket, which I really like, that has a cool, artsy design on the front featuring some grey squiggles, an old soda fountain glass, and some text explaining something or other about soda glasses and Coke. The left arm features a tasteful, grey Coca-Cola logo, so that if some uninformed passerby should happen to inquire about my favorite bubbly liquid, I can casually flex my left bicep and display the Coca-Cola logo, thus saving words and looking "macho" at the same time. Yay Walking-Billboard Pickering!

Once returning to Campus, I returned to find my room in a state I have never before seen it in. It totally flabbergasted me how my room got into the state its' in. CLEAN!!!!!!! Shocking, I know. Apparently as I was leaving, Corporal came into our room and asked Neil to let him help us clean up the room. I am thrilled to say I can see the floor and for now, Brandon seems content not to put his things there and thus obstruct my goggling the carpet. We'll see how long this newfound cleanliness lasts...

With that, I'm out of stories to tell. Now it's time to relax, sleep, and look forward to crunch time coming up on finals. 0_0

Mazzel Tov!

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