Monday, November 23, 2009

The Chicken Heart that Ate Up New York

This past week has seen several major developments. One, Founders Skit Night was on Wednesday, at which Brethren took 2nd place! Woohoo! Man Born to be King closed, with great success, and cast lists were announced for Lucifer, the next play. I get to be a Loyalist Angel!

Skit night was pretty amazing, both because Caleb Howard was co-emceeing with Katie Klukow, but also because the skits were pretty dang hilarious. We did a "radio theater"-esque version of Bill Cosby's "Chicken Heart" sketch. There's a video here:

All the skits were awesome, but my favorites had to be Caledon's "Madame Toussauds", First Belz's skit (which I forgot the name of but it won) and Catacombs "The Tale of Catacombs-san", which was bizzare, written in Japanese, and featured a battle/dance party on stage at the end.

With Man Born to Be King over, the next theater production is Lucifer, the tale of Satan's fall from heaven. I'm playing a member of the loyalist angels who try to convince the rebels not to rebel. Since Prof. Hallstrom wants to keep costuming options open, I'm not allowed to cut my hair until further notice or March roles around. This will be an interesting experiment, and it will drive my mother insane.


Sunday afternoon I got to go see "The Screwtape Letters" performed by Max McClean and Karen Eleanor Wight. For a two-man show (only Screwtape had lines) it was amazing. The use of Toadpipe to help flesh out the letters senior demon Screwtape wrote to his nephew Wormwood was fantastic, and helped to had a great deal of comic relief. Toadpipe was 1/3 dog, 1/3 secretary, and 1/3 hellish demon beast. Odd combo, to say the least.

Thanksgiving's almost here, I leave tommorow for the Martin's (woo!). Just gotta get through 3 more classes and I'm done. When I get back, final's crunch awaits, but I'm not going to go into that right now. It'll ruin my mood. Oh, and I found my camera (which I never really lost, just haven't used.) So maybe I'll get some pictures in here soon so you all can see what my life looks like (in technicolor, if you're good.)

Your affectionate uncle,


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