Friday, July 30, 2010

Be Careful What you Whine About...

...because God has a sense of humor. So last week I spent half the post complaining and making excuses for the lack of things happening in my naturally this week has been packed with craziness.

After last Saturday's tie confusion, Sunday was pretty quiet (aside from nearly being run off the road by a crazy motorcyclist). I mostly just relaxed at home and hung out with my family. And worked. That too. Oh...and a thunderstorm hit which my mother thought was the storm of the century because she was driving the same speed and direction as it for the greater part of her trip home from the grocery store. While watching the storm from the garage, I noticed some kids across the street partaking in a sport that I loved as a child: abject futility. Specifically they were golfing into the wind (which was bending trees over) in blinding rain (with metal golf clubs) and kickballs that had even less ability to go forward in the wind than a regular golf club.

Monday was when the real excitement began. After work I hung around the mall since my accounting class is an hour after my job shift ends most of the time. I got dinner at the Potbelly Sandwich shop my sister works at and then drove to class. On the way there I got caught in a backup caused by workman repairing damage caused by a storm caused by the foolishness of humankind in attempting mad science in Baltimore city. (or maybe just weather patterns, I dunno) Whilst in said backup, I accidentally bumped into the trailer hitch of the person in front of me, resulting in my first time swapping insurance info. Nothing came of it though, and no damage was done, so I think I lucked out.

Tuesday I blitzed a bunch of accounting assignments that I needed to get done and then attempted to stay cool as the heat which has been oppressing our area returned and made even air conditioning feel less comfortable.

Wednesday...was interesting. I started the comedy of errors off by leaving an hour early for work by accident...which would turn out to be a very good thing. As I pulled into the post office to mail a package for my mom, I noticed that the front right wheel was really dragging. I parked and took a peek, which confirmed my fears that the tire had been slashed, and judging by the marks I think my car was attacked by Wolverine. I do not know how the tire managed to slice so big a gash in itself without my noticing. Anyway, I got out to change the tire. I jacked the car up, put it in park, put the parking brake on, and set to work. I got the blown tire off and started to put the new one on...when the jack slipped. The car apparently rolled backwards a bit (despite the parking brake) and the whole minivan came down on top of my right thumb. I think it hit a nerve or something because the whole digit went numb for about 20 minutes except for right at the base. I didn't think it was broken so I went inside and just got an ice pack from the post office staff (who were very nice). By this time a handyman happened to drive by and, noticing my plight, came and changed the tire for me. (Thank you very much, mystery mechanic!)

Now that I was mobile again, my thumb was really starting to hurt. My mom told me that I needed to get it x-rayed, so I drove to the Sears car repair station at the mall and dropped the car off, while my mom came and picked me up. (she had been there when the car fell and afterward). We then drove across the chesapeake bay to my doctor, who told me he wanted my thumb x-rayed. TO THE DIAGNOSTICS CENTER! Once there I told another doctor my story (this one was very surprised that I had ever considered not coming for an x-ray.) She then scanned my hand with a very star-trek looking ceiling mounted x-ray cannon and said that the thumb was fortunately not broken. Back to the doctor we went, and he put me on a course of advil to keep the swelling down and a thumb splint for at least a week to keep it from being further injured.

After all of this I finally got to work.

When I arrived my boss (whom I'd called) checked up on me and then let me get to work. Several coworkers and customers asked about the terminator-hand I had and I told my story about a dozen times that day. Reactions ranged from "Oh my lord!" to "That's why you drink, milk, Geoffry." (directed at the reactor's five year old.)

Thursday my sister and a couple of friends we hadn't seen in a while went to watch a movie, which might have been a dream, or else a movie in disguise as a dream. If you don't know what I'm talking about...then shame on you. If you do, then you'll also know that I thought it was epic, amazing, and totally mind blowing, although the ending didn't bother me as much as most people. I was oddly at peace with not knowing the outcome of the circulating object. If you wonder why I am being so cryptic, I just don't want to spoil anything for you...because you must go and see Inception, or I will be very unhappy with you. :)

So that brings us to today. I began the day by saying goodbye to my family for the weekend. (literally, I woke up and said goodbye. That's what I get for sleeping too much.) They're off to New York to visit my Uncle, and if it wasn't for work I'd be going too. I'm getting paid for that, though, so I'm not complaining. Most of the day I did various house chores, put some work in on a take home accounting test, watched an episode of White Collar on tv, banged my thumb into everything since I'm a klutz, and mailed more packages for my entrepreneurial mother who sold books on amazon after leaving home (and thus the ability to deliver them.)

At Pottery Barn tonight I received, for the first time ever, a "guy question" from a seven year old boy. I had no idea what he meant when he said he needed to ask me a "guy question" but he wouldn't ask his mom and she figured it'd be better to just answer whatever it was. He leaned in really close and whispered, with mild urgency "How on earth do you get out of this place!?"

I nearly fell over laughing.

Other than that it was a pretty normal evening. I did get stuck behind a rear-end collision on the way home, but that was only mildly exciting. Now I'm going to go to bed. And never again will I complain about a lack of excitement in one week. Adios, goodbye, and enjoy August. It's my birth month and therefore blessed above all others.

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