Friday, September 10, 2010

The Results of An Experiment

As with all experiments, the results of my venture into video blogging yielded unexpected results. Not bad, but intriguing. The consensus was mainly that people liked the video blog, but they wanted the text updates to continue. Thus, they continue. I also learned that video blogging isn't very good for communicating the facts of an event, but it is an excellent format for going into more detail on important or interesting events that I've already communicated. So for now, what I think I'm gonna do is chronicle the week's events here in text updates and then elaborate on a couple of them in a video blog. I also had a couple requests for a Q+A segment, so if ya'll send me questions then I'll answer them. If not, then I'll just fill the time answering fake e-mails from India.

Okay, well some of this is going to be a re-hash of stuff I said in the video, but some of it will be new stuff.

Last week I started joining Brethren's weekend pastime: Brethren Lawn Club (we want to get t-shirts made). Basically BLC is a bunch of Brethren guys heading out to the chapel lawn to play lawn games like croquet, frizcup, bocce, or frisbee. This past week we mostly played croquet, and after making it all the way to the second wicket before Steve won the first time around, I actually won the next game through a series of blind luck moments and being as cutthroat as I ever get when playing a game.

Learned Ladies has been quite fun to start working on. We're blitzing through the rehearsals since we only have about 2 weeks before we need to be totally ready for tech week. Rehearsals themselves have been a TON of fun. In addition to Jordan apparently thwacking Seth Marsh a good one with her fan (by accident, I'm sure) we've had a couch that actively tries to trip people, a hilariously flirty Katie Jenkins (in character), and I've had to practice getting really angry. Last night we practiced a scene where my character gets quite mad at Jordan's character. I had been playing it as perturbed, but Prof. Slav told me to "take it from 2 to 9.5" at which point I realized that I am not good at being that angry. I eventually got it, but now I actually have to practice working myself up (mostly by re-playing the finale to LOST in my head). The first time I actually achieved "angry" Jordan was surprised and kind of jumped backwards, which ruined the whole thing and made me start laughing.

Speaking of laughing and Jordan; Alan, Ann, and I last night decided to play a prank on Jordan to get her back for various bits of mischief she'd perpetrated this week. It started when Alan filched her backpack after rehearsal (where Jordan inexplicably decided to hang around an empty Sanderson building). We then decided to hang said backpack from the Founder's lamppost. Not satisfied, we enlisted Ann to bring us some more of Jordan's stuff from her room, which we taped to the other lamppost/put in a tree with a huge masking tape arrow pointing to it. It took Jordan a really long time to find all of it (and a surprisingly long time to realize that Ann had been involved even though it was closed dorms and thus neither Alan or I could possibly have gotten her stuff.) She was a fairly good sport, even when we made her root through a bunch of bushes since she didn't believe she'd found everything (which she had, so she was rooting for nothing).

Hmm..that kinda brings us up to today. Sorry for the short post! I promise it will be longer next week!
Until then, have a good week. And Skype me!