Monday, January 25, 2010

"But I don't wanna die epically! I have to lock you in Hell!"

Well, it's been an eventful two weeks back at school (or has it been three?) I got back and was immediately welcomed by my friends on the hall and then by fellow cast members from Lucifer heading to dinner. It was awesome, and I was glad to see them again. Unfortunately I also learned that one of my roommates, Neil Johnson, wasn't coming back. Not sure why, but he's home in Ft. Payne Alabama, and our room feels empty without a fourth dude. :(

The first night back, we had rehearsal, where we learned about breath control, and how to use facial muscles and breathing to convey emotion (and oddly enough, manipulate our own emotions. I made myself nothing. 0_o) Fortunately we also learned how to calm down and get rid of these self-made emotions as well. Finally, we listened to a meditation tape (not because we're Taoists, but because it helps with breath control). Favorite line: "Now, smile into your liver. Is there any anger or bitterness causing blockages? Smile into that anger and feel golden light wick it away."

Once classes started, I was pleased to learn that Accounting II is every bit as much fun (and as crazy) as Accounting I. If that last sentence seems like a paradox, you've never had a professor who tries to call the cell phones of students who leave in the middle of class to go to the bathroom, then asks them if they are inventing the next Google.

The theater gang brought me along to Ihop my first weekend back, and we had a great time eating breakfast at midnight on a Friday and making jokes. I was also compared to an anime character I had to wiki... and he scared me.... *shudder*. :)

Speaking of theater, Lucifer is shaping up to be an amazing play. It's about the rebellion of Lucifer and the demonic angels as well as exploring how sin corrupts through a seemingly innocuous cause. Quite cool, and we have an awesome 4 layer set! Oh, and if you're wondering what on Earth my title means, I'm playing an angel names Ozias, who eventually is given the task of locking Lucifer and his minions in Hell. During the blocking of the big battle between good and bad, I ended up fighting Apollyon, Beelzebub, and another demon (Alysha McCullogh) at once. During a break, Alysha told me that now was my time to die epically, and I replied with this blog's title. Apparently I get funny when I get tired, because since getting back I've said several things I normally would never have said (and that I don't really plan at all) that end up making people laugh. Makes me happy. :)

I got to go to Yellow Deli for the first time too, yesterday. It's got some great food, but its atmosphere and laid-backedness is what's really cool about it. Its run by a group called the 12 Tribes, which we're not sure exactly how to describe here at Covenant. Some think its a cult, some think they're hippies. But after reading their little pamphlet thingy, it seems that they're more like Amish Hippies. Best I can put it. Anyway, they're extremely friendly, and I had a great time.

Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that life here isn't all fun and games. This semester's workload is rather more than last semester, and I have the added stressor of MATH!!!!!! Evil. Incarnate. In. Equations. Fortunately we have a Math Center available for such people as me, so I've been able to get through the homework without committing Seppuku.

Last weekend was Scholarship weekend, so I got to see some friends from back home. Drew Moriarty stayed in my room, while I spotted Andrew Wingard and his mom around while I was doing Arabic homework, and said hi. Fun! The last day of scholarship weekend I had practical service work for theater, so me, Mitchell, Jordan Linkston, Alan Cheney, Katelyn Hickey, and Katie Jenkins tried to move 300 pound wooden platforms out of Chapel storage without disturbing the previewers interrogating President Neilson. Hmmm....

That about catches us up to now. I have Accounting in 10 mins, so I should start packing up and go to class. Until next time.... goodbye? (I've run out of foreign languages to express my parting good wishes. I may have to start making them up.)